Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 9, 2016

Man-eating tiger kills tenth human in six weeks

Here is detail about man-eating tiger kills tenth human in six weeks   

A Bengal tiger prowling near villages in northern India claimed its tenth victims last night, a day after making a narrow escape from a trap set by hunters.
The female big cat, which killed its first human six weeks ago, savaged a 50-year-old man, taking bites of his leg and abdomen while he was out collecting firewood.
It is believed that the animal strayed from Jim Corbett National Park, a 200-square-mile reserve created to give the animals space to roam. It struck its latest victim outside Kalgarh village in Uttarakhand state.

On the prowl: A tiger similar to this one has been stalking the lands outside Corbett Tiger Reserve, and has killed ten people
Saket Badola, deputy director of the national park, said the tiger facts that tiger was scared away from its prey by fellow villagers waving metal rods and shovels, but the man had already been badly injured and later died.
Hunters had almost captured the tiger a day before the latest killing, by using a calf as bait.
Mr Badola said: 'On Saturday night the tigress almost fell in trap and was close to the calf. But she did not attack the bait and left silently.'
Reports that a killer tiger was on the loose began circulating in late December, when a 65-year-old man was mauled in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh state, across the border from Uttarakhand.
Since then, thousands of terrified villagers have been told to watch out for the animal and to avoid the forests. The tiger has been on the prowl across an area spanning 80 miles.
There are animal facts that animal has started attacking humans because it is not getting its natural prey,' said Rupek De, chief wildlife warden of Uttar Pradesh. 'The tigers must be tired because it is not getting adequate rest.'
He said the hunters hired to kill the animal were having trouble tracking it in dense forests, and were suffering from staffing issues after half their team did not show up for work.

Habitat: The tiger is through to have strayed from the Jim Corbett National Park, pictured
Mr De said that only three of the six men asked to track and capture the tiger actually made an appearance.
On factoflife, angry villagers seized a national forestry office, demanding protection and compensation for the families of the dead.
'We can understand the predicament of the villagers,' Mr Badola said.
'The villagers do not have toilets in their homes. They go out in the open or forest areas to answer nature's call. In this scenario it is difficult to give protection to each and every villager. We have advised them to move in groups.'
India's wild tigers are considered endangered because of rampant poaching and shrinking habitat as India undergoes breakneck development to accommodate the staggering growth of its 1.2billion people.
India today has more than half of the world's remaining 3,200 tigers.

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 9, 2016

Rare penguin: yellow-eyed penguins

Here are facts about rare penguin: Yellow-eyed penguin facts. Keep reading to know more.

The yellow-eyed penguin is one of the few penguin species found north of the Antarctic Ocean, and as it's name suggests, this species of penguin is easily idenitfied by it's yellow coloured eyes and bright yellow band that runs from it's eyes round the back of the yellow-eyed penguin's head.

The yellow-eyed penguin inhabits the southern island of New Zealand, Steward Island, Campbell Island and the Auckland Islands. It is listed as an endangered species. Adults grow to 24 to 31 inches high and weigh 12 to 18 pounds. They have white undersides, gray back plumage, yellow bands running from their eyes to the backs of their heads and yellow irises.
Also see tigers facts

Image result for What are some yellow-eyed penguin facts?

The main diet of yellow-eyed penguins is fish. They consume blue cod, red cod, silversides, opal fish, sprat and cephalopods, such as squid. To feed, they swim up to 16 miles offshore and dive to depths of 100 to 400 feet. Breeding season begins in mid-August and lasts until mid-February. Breeding pairs are monogamous and often return to the same nests, which are usually constructed against rocks or trees or in dense vegetation. The female lays two eggs, and both parents take turns incubating them. When the eggs hatch after 39 to 51 days, one parent guards the chicks while the other forages for food. By mid-February, the fledglings are ready to go off on their own.

In 2010, the number of yellow-eyed penguin adults was 4,000 to 4,800. Dangers to yellow-eyed penguins include habitat loss due to human settlements, entanglement in fishing nets, avian malaria, blood parasites and predation by sharks, sea lions, ferrets, ermines, cats and dogs.

Learn more fun random facts

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 9, 2016

What is the negative effect of Whisky?

What is the negative effect of Whisky? Do you know the answer? If not, check here:

Kết quả hình ảnh cho scotch whisky age

Alcohol Poisoning – Scotch Whiskey is a drink that has very large percentage of alcohol in its structure (around 40%), much more than beer or wine (around 8-13%). Because of that, people can lose track of intake while drinking whisky, which can lead to the alcohol poisoning. This illness is a result of the elevated alcohol level in our blood, which can induce difficulties in breathing, gag reflex and elevated heart rate.

Impaired Judgment – Very small amount of whiskey can produce strong side-effects, most noticeably almost immediate impairment to our judgment. People under the influence of alcohol often make rash, risky or illogical decisions, they lose their sense of fear or sometimes get paranoid, afraid and aggressive. The most common examples of impaired judgment caused by drinking are aggressive behavior, drink driving, sexual irresponsibility and in some cases suicidal tendencies.

Cirrhosis – Constant abuse of alcoholic beverages such as scotch whiskey over long periods of time can produce serious side effects and can damage our metabolism. One of the most famous fatal effects of this kind of prolonged whiskey intake is cirrhosis of the liver, which is hardening of the liver that is caused by the buildup of the scar tissue caused by alcohol. This scar tissue restricts the blood flow through the liver, which in turn reduces its potential to purify our blood from harmful toxins, fight infections and regulate blood clotting.

Addiction – Regular intake of alcohol can create very serious physical and mental disorder in which person gets very strongly addicted to alcohol. This very serious addiction can be found all over the world, and governments, medical personnel and various public organizations are fighting daily for better control, prevention, diagnosis and recovery methods to fight against it.

Pregnancy problems – Large intake of alcohol during pregnancy can cause spontaneous abortion and physical or mental disabilities for the fetus (malformations and other birth problems).

Stroke – Because of the strong influence alcohol can have on our metabolism, blood, heart and liver, large and regular intake of whiskey can cause stroke, serious injuries of heart muscle, and in some cases death.

Interference with other diseases – Persons who are affected by the conditions of the liver, affections of the pancreas, Precancerous stages of the digestive system and survivors of the hemorrhagic stroke MUST NOT drink whiskey or any other type of alcohol.

Interference with medication – Whiskey and all other alcohol beverages can strongly interact with some types of medicine, causing severe reaction that can seriously affects our health. Persons who are taking anticoagulants, medication for diabetes, beta blockers, antihistamines, antibiotics, antidepressants, pain relievers and sleeping pills must avoid alcohol.

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