Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2016

Best cute moments, best jokes of animals World belong the baby giraffe

Best cute moments, best jokes of animals World belong the baby giraffe. Read my post to find the factoflife and the reason.
Baby giraffe facts for kids
No. 1 What is a baby giraffe called?
In agreement to cattle, a baby giraffe is called a calf. In addition, a female giraffe is a cow while a male is a bull.
No. 2 What is the size of a baby giraffe?
A calf is born weighing 100 to 150 pounds and measuring in at 6 feet tall.
No. 3 How do the Giraffe giving birth -and labor process?

Giraffe giving birth
Giraffes give birth while standing up so a calf enters the world from quite a height. They fall 6 feet to the ground with hoof and head first. The fall may seem like an abrupt entrance into the world, but it effectively breaks the amniotic sac, severs the umbilical cord, and most importantly encourages the calf to take its first breaths. After the calf drops to the ground, the mother will begin to clean it off, and after a few minutes, the calf will attempt its first steps.
No. 5 How soon can the baby walk after being born?
As mentioned in giraffe facts for kids, within 30 minutes to an hour of being born, a calf will begin to stand and walk. These first steps are necessary for the calf to be able to nurse from their mother. Within the first day, the calf will also be able to run.
No. 6 Where are giraffes give birth in the nature?
Giraffes choose to have their babies in places known as calving grounds. Something that's unique about these grounds is that mothers will often return to these lands time after time to give birth. Often, it is the same place they were born because a herd will continue the tradition of using the area for several generations.
No. 7 What is the food of baby giraffes?
A newborn giraffe will begin to nurse from its mother as soon as it is able to stand. By 4 months of age, they will begin to eat solid food (i.e. leaves in the nature).

Baby giraffe
No. 8 How do mother giraffes take care for her young?
In the immediate moments after birth, the mother will start to bond with her calf and lick it clean of the remaining amniotic fluids. She will also be seen encouraging the calf to stand and take its very first steps which will allow the young giraffe to nurse for the first time.
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Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 11, 2016

Prairie Dog facts for kids

Let's check some following Prairie Dog facts for kids and give us your comment:

  1. Prairie dogs live in underground burrows which have a complex tunnel and warren system. They have specific areas for nurseries, sleeping, toilets and even listening posts near exits. The tunnels are arranged so as to allow air to flow through them providing ventilation.
  2. Prairie dogs are highly social, living in large groups called “towns”. They co-operate to share food, protect their burrow and often groom each other. When group members meet each other they give them a prairie dog kiss, or nuzzle. That might be one of the most awesome amazing facts about animals you had no idea before.
  3. Prairie dogs act together to ensure each others’ safety. While the group forages and maintains the burrows, one or more individuals act as a sentinel keeping watch for danger. The sentinel will give a loud alarm bark if a predator approaches and the group will head for the safety of the burrow.
  4. Prairie dogs are intelligent animals with complex communication. They have a range of different barks and chirps for communicating different messages. They have specific calls for specific predators, and even have a specific alarm call for humans with a gun.
  5. Ecologists consider prairie dogs to be a keystone species of immense ecological importance. Snakes, burrowing owls and some other species use their deserted burrows for nesting areas. They are also an important food source for many predator species including the rare black-footed ferret. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.
  6. Prairie dogs are diurnal, meaning that they are most active at dawn and dusk.
  7. Female prairie dogs go to the nursery burrow when they are ready to give birth. Young pups are born hairless with their eyes closed, and are totally dependant on their mother’s care and love. They do not leave the burrow until they are about 6 weeks old, and only consider leaving the group after they are a year old.
  8. The name Prairie dog was given due to their habitat (prairies/grasslands) and their warning calls which sound like barks. The genus name Cynonyms derives from the Greek for “mouse dog”. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.
  9. Prairie dogs play a vital role in maintaining the prairie ecosystem. Their churning activities aerate the soil allowing more water penetration, and their nitrogen-rich dung is a natural fertiliser which improves soil quality and vegetation.

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 11, 2016

Where can you pick wild mushrooms?

Where can you pick wild mushrooms? This is the best guiding for you

Each spring the morel mushroom, the most popular and prolific wild mushroom in the United States, crops up across the country along the edges of forests.Field & Stream reports that the mushrooms tend to grow most often near elm, oak, aspen and ash trees, particularly along slopes facing north. Take a quick look at funny pics that can help you reduce stress quickly.

While black morels are most frequently found in hardwood forests, often in the shade of fallen trees, white and giant morels are distributed throughout a more diverse range of habitats, according to Mother Earth News. In fact, mushroom hunters find white and giant morels in evergreen forests, orchards, fields, dry creek bottoms, flood plains, at the grown-over sites of former mines and on temperate, forested islands. Many mushroom hunters return to their favorite hunting grounds for several consecutive years with continued success before they must look elsewhere. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

Image result for pick wild mushrooms

The best way to start looking for mushrooms is to stop after spotting the first one and slowly scan the rest of the general area, as there are likely others nearby, indicates an article in The Southern. The magazine recommends walking carefully to avoid stepping on mushrooms, as morels often are difficult to spot, particularly on the forest floor, where they are well camouflaged. 

How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

Some different types of leaves

How can we category different types of leaves? Here are the answer for you: Some different types of leaves

Leaves are categorized depending on their shapes, whether they are stalked or not, and if the leaves have smooth or jagged edges. All leaves are divided into two main types: simple or compound.

A simple leaf is one that stands on its own, such as a maple leaf. It has one petiole, or stalk, connecting it to the plant stem. Sessile leaves, those that do not have a stalk, fall into this category. Corn has sessile leaves. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

A compound leaf is made up of distinct leaflets, such as those found on heather plants. A large petiole runs down the middle, with the individual leaflets attached to the main stalk by their smaller petioles.

Image result for types of leaves

Elliptic leaves are like an expanded oval, with the length at least twice as long as the width. Lanceolate leaves are spear-shaped with a wider base that tapers to a point. Acicular leaves are needle-shaped, such as the leaves on pine and fir trees. Ovate leaves resemble an egg with a wider base that is divided by the petiole. Cordate leaves are similar, but more heart-shaped. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.
Maple leaves are hastate leaves. They are wider at the bottom and have separate sections, called lobes, branching out and ending in pointed tips. Linear leaves, like on the corn, are long and thin. Edges on leaves can be smooth, curvy or lobed, with an undulating edge.

Two types of leaves, dentate and serrate, have jagged edges. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 11, 2016

What is the best food for pigeons?

What is the best food for pigeons? If you love to know the answer and share amazing information about pigeions, just keep reading on our allawesomefactsforkids

Pigeons are natural seed eaters and only eat insects in small numbers. Normal pigeon diet is made of corn, wheat, cereals and other seed. Pigeons will add fruit and green like lettuce, spinach, sprouted seeds, grapes and apple in their diet. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

The pigeon is a bird common around the world, along with a dove, these two birds are related to each other and live side by side. The pigeon is bigger from the two, and the dove grows a little smaller in size and color. A young baby pigeon or dove are called squab. One interesting fact is that a pigeon have only forty taste buds, compared to a human that has thousands. The food may not taste so good with small number of taste buds, but pigeons keep eating it up. The pigeons are well adapted to human environment and will live on buildings and cavities in houses. They will take advantage of food left over by humans also. They have stout bodies and necks that are kind of short, on top of that’s they have a slender bill.

A pigeon’s diet in the wild and for pigeon keepers.

A pigeon is kind of a scavenger bird, and will go around looking for anything he can find to eat if in the city. But will have its favorite food, as it is a bird after all. If you like to feed pigeons you can give them leftovers, as they will love you for that, and come back for more. But this is not a normal diet of pigeons, if you keep pigeons you want to feed them properly so you must provide a better diet.
How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

  Image result for what do Pigeon eat

The pigeon is a granivorous bird, keeping that in mind, they like to eat seeds and cereal grains, Cracked Corn, sunflower, wheat, barley, millet and peas. They will eat all of those seeds at any time of year, but some are more preferable in different times of year. In winter more oil based seed is desired to help them thru the cold. When the molting season starts pigeons will change the diet, also in time of reproduction and raising young. It is best to feed pigeons with a mix of all seed so he will get all that he need. Pigeon mom and dad that have a baby will need more diversified food to feed the young. The baby need to grow, and lots of nutrition.

Healthy pigeon needs a balanced Pigeon & Dove Seeds diet that contains 50% grain crops, 10% oil seed (sunflower). Normal adult size pigeon can eat about 30 grams of food each day to keep him in good condition. Young baby pigeons eat different food and you can check what to feed a baby pigeon. If you keep racing pigeons same rules are applied but you might adapt the needs for a particular pigeon. If you want to feed pigeons in the wild, what do pigeons eat there? You don’t have to worry to much, as pigeons will find food in other places, and come to your feeder just to supplement its diet. That might be one of the most awesome interesting facts ever.

If you have found a baby pigeon read this. Its a great article about how to raise baby pigeons, and you must read it is you have a baby pigeon. Its a great information on what do baby pigeons eat.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2016

Meerkat fact for kids

Below are some amazing news and facts about Meerkat fact for kid


Just as humans can identify our friends’ and family’s voices over the phone, a 2011 study showed that meerkats can distinguish between the calls of different members of their clan. Scientists played a recording of the same meerkat from hidden speakers on opposite sides of test animals. According to WIRED, "The situation was similar to hearing a friend shout from the kitchen, then from the second-floor bathroom just a second later." Indicating that they recognized this as an impossible situation, the test meerkats showed “a prolonged vigilance, paying much closer attention than they did to other recorded calls. The situation didn’t compute.”


Meerkat clans, also known as mobs and gangs, hunt together in a collaborative effort that involves designated lookouts who rotate regularly and rely on a series of distinct calls to communicate to their compatriots. If a predator like a snake is detected, the gang will gather to harass the snake, biting and clawing at it until it retreats or is killed—a bold move one meerkat could never attempt alone.
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While most of the gang is out foraging and hunting for food—or standing guard—one male or female, adolescent or young adult stays behind in the burrow to “babysit” any pups. This is not an official job—whichever adult is least hungry is put on pup-sitting duty—but the other meerkats do reward their sitter with food at the end of the day.


Adult meerkats are immune to scorpion poison—a good thing when you regularly make treats out of the stinging arthropods. But it takes talent to tuck into that sort of prey—even with their poison nullified, a scorpion can still do damage with his pinchers—and pups aren’t born prepared for such a vicious meal. Research done in 2006 showed that “helper” meerkats actively teach the younger generation how to hunt through a series of increasingly difficult tasks. "So when pups are very little they get brought dead prey, like scorpions, lizards, and spiders; as they start to get older, helpers will bring them prey that's been disabled, so if it's a scorpion the helper might bite the sting off before giving it to the pup,” scientist Alex Thornton told the BBC.


Meerkat gangs, which can reach up to 40 or 50 animals, are structured around an alpha couple to whom most of the other members are somehow related. Within the dominant pair, ultimately it is the female who rules the burrow, and she isn’t always a benevolent boss. Only the alpha female is allowed to reproduce; if subordinate females get pregnant, the alpha female will banish them from the burrow or even kill their pups. Research conducted in 2013found that some subordinate females will serve as wet nurses to alpha female pups in order to re-ingratiate themselves after getting banished. Anyway, this may be one of the most fascinating animal facts until now


As if infanticide and exile weren’t bad enough, alpha females only have their own interests at heart. A 2013 study showed that when a gang of meerkats approaches a road—which represents an unknown and potential danger—alpha females tend to suddenly fall back, letting lower ranking females brave the pavement first.


Meerkats' fuzzy tan coats give way to a sparsely covered patch on their underbellies [PDF]. The hair is thin enough there that you can see their black skin underneath—which is precisely the point. After a restful night in the chilly burrow, meerkats climb back out into the desert sun and stand up to expose to their bare bellies to the rays, which absorb heat and warm the animals up.


The African drongo scavenges for food by tricking other animals into abandoning their hard-earned meals with carefully crafted calls that imitate the warning sounds of other species. So after a gang of meerkats has made their kill or foraged sufficient food, the drongo will descend among them and mimic the same warning call a meerkat sentry might make in the event of a predator. The gang scatters, and the drongo gets a free meal.

Those who loves to discover nature will not want to miss our wide range of factoflife articles.

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 11, 2016

Some of the most mind-blowing Jaguarondi facts

Some of the most mind-blowing Jaguarondi facts

Jaguarondi (jaguarundi) is a species of wild cat that resembles large otter in appearance. Because of that, it is also known as otter cat. Jaguarondi lives in Southern parts of North America, Mexico and South America. There are 8 subspecies of jaguarondi that can be found in wide variety of habitats: tropical rainforests, savannas, semi-arid areas, woodlands and swamps. Number of jaguarondis in the wild is decreased for several reasons. Farmers kill jaguarondis because they hunt and feed on their poultry. Jaguarondis often end up trapped in the nets set for other animals. Finally, habitat loss greatly reduces number of jaguarondis in the wild. Despite all this, jaguarondis are not listed as endangered species.

  1. The jaguarundi is a very unusual cat that is often described as having a weasel-like appearance. It has a long slender body, short legs and a small flattened head with short rounded ears, the cat is often described as.
  2. Sometimes referred to as the ‘otter-cat’, the jaguarundi is closely related to the puma.
  3. One of the smaller New World cat species, they are about twice the size of a small house cat. Jaguarundis are unusual as they do not have spots, unlike most other South American small cats. This might be one of the most amazing facts about animals ever seen
  4. Jaguarundis are very elusive animals and there is still a lot to be learnt about them.
  5. Population numbers of the jaguarundi are much less than once thought. They live in very low densities and their shy nature makes it difficult to estimate their population size. Overall the population is in decline due to habitat loss to agriculture.
  6. They have some of the most variable colourations of wildcats, with two main groups: a dark morph which includes cats with black, brownish and grey colours, and a paler red morph ranging from tawny yellow to a bright chestnut red.
  7. For many years, it was thought the two morphs were separate species but it is now known that both colours can occur from the same litter.
  8. Generally, it seems the darker morph is more common in rainforest habitats and the paler morph in drier environments.
  9. Unlike most other cat species, the jaguarundi tends to be most active during daytime rather than dawn or dusk.
  10. Jaguarundis are very vocal cats, with at least 13 distinct calls that include chirps, purrs, whistles and even a scream.
  11. Choosing to spend more time on the ground than many other big cat species, the jaguarundi tends to hunt small mammals, birds and reptiles on the ground. They have also been witnessed to jump as high as two metres off the ground to swipe a bird from the air!
  12. Jaguarundis have very large home ranges. Some males were recorded as having a range from 88 to 100km2! Females tend to have much smaller ranges – varying from 13 to 20km2.
  13. The Texan population of jaguarundis may now only consist of a few remaining cats. Habitat loss has caused this population decline. Let’s discover some interesting science facts that will amaze you.
  14. In parts of North America there have been some reintroduction efforts but these are hindered by the lack of scientific knowledge about the animal, its needs and behaviours.
  15. The breeding behaviour is not well known; scientists are unsure whether jaguarundis raise cubs alone or as a pair. Females will have between 1-4 young which remain in the den for around 28 days.
  16. The jaguarundi are not hunted for their fur like many other cats but they will often be caught in traps set for other animals such as the ocelot.
You can also subcribe our factoflife if you want to find out more about animals and nature for kids.